Archive for February 15th, 2005

DETROIT! Where’d Candorville go?

I woke up yesterday morning to find dozens of e-mails from Detroit readers asking where Candorville went. Apparently the Free Press pulled the strip yesterday. I’m not sure whether this is a permanent change or they’re just trying out something new. If you live in Detroit and you want to keep reading Candorville, write to the Free Press and politely ask them to return Candorville to your comics page as soon as possible. This week’s developments mark a turning point in the life of one of the main characters, and you dont’ want to miss it.

Newspapers have to regularly update their comics pages to provide new stuff that appeals to an increasingly diverse readership. It’s a shame they usually replace other new comics instead of the ones that are long since past their prime.

I’ve received a lot of feedback from readers in Detroit over the past year, so if you want to keep reading Candorville (and, incidentally, get some free stuff), now is the time to act:

As a bribe — I mean, an “incentive,” — Anyone who writes a letter or e-mail to the Free Press and the News – and sends us a copy – will receive a free autographed sketch of Lemont, Susan and Clyde. If the Free Press restores Candorville after you send your note, you’ll get a free signed copy of the first Candorville book when it comes out in the Fall. Also, Lemont and Clyde will mow your lawn for a month.

Detroit provides a lot of inspiration for Candorville. As a diverse city, Candorville is about you.

DETROIT UPDATE: Candorville to Return on Monday!

It looks like Candorville’s going to be back in the Free Press next Monday, so we can call off the hounds, put the pitchforks back in the barn and stow away the rest of our metaphors.

I have a source – let’s call him/her “Deepthroat” – who assures me this is just a temporary test-run, and that as of next week Lemont, Susan and Clyde will be reporting back to the bus stop for their continuing adventures. Although word on the set has it Clyde’s demanding more money and a bigger dressing room. Industry insiders speculate that if Clyde holds out much longer, he may be replaced by Flava Flav, or possibly Malcolm Jamaal Warner.

Keep writing letters, though. Even if Candorville’s not on the chopping block, newspaper editors appreciate hearing from their readers. It helps them decide which features are working for you and why.

Remember, you will still get free stuff (a sketch and a signed copy of the first Candorville book) if you write to other papers that don’t currently run Candorville (make sure you live in that city, and that you send us a copy of your letter), and that paper ends up adding Candorville within one year of the date of your letter.

Detroit readers, make sure you check out this week’s comics online, because this week’s developments might be very important for one of our main characters.