Archive for July 19th, 2005

Seattle readers – Write to the Times Now!

The Seattle Times has switched to a 50″ web which means less room for comics, and as one of the newest comics, Candorville’s been squeezed off the page (last hired, first fired).

We know that despite the change-up, the editors at the Seattle Times like Candorville and there’s a good chance they’d restore it to the page IF readers write in and ask them to.

If you’re a Seattle Times reader — in print, online or
anywhere in the country — and you want to keep reading Candorville in the Times, you should e-mail the Times at and/or call them at 206-464-2200 and let them know you want to see Lemont, Susan and Clyde put back in the paper. Papers do listen to their readers.

As Lemont would say, the only thing worse than not trying is a spam sandwich. I still haven’t figured out what he means by that.

Seattle readers – Write to the Times Now!

The Seattle Times has switched to a 50″ web which means less room for comics, and as one of the newest comics, Candorville’s been squeezed off the page (last hired, first fired).

We know that despite the change-up, the editors at the Seattle Times like Candorville and there’s a good chance they’d restore it to the page IF readers write in and ask them to.

If you’re a Seattle Times reader — in print, online or
anywhere in the country — and you want to keep reading Candorville in the Times, you should e-mail the Times at and/or call them at 206-464-2200 and let them know you want to see Lemont, Susan and Clyde put back in the paper. Papers do listen to their readers.

As Lemont would say, the only thing worse than not trying is a spam sandwich. I still haven’t figured out what he means by that.