Cartoonists Without Borders

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A few of us are building a web site to help direct donations to the Hurricane Katrina disaster relief efforts. As Michael Jantze put it, “our goal is to make sure we all stay focused on the needs of the victims for the long haul.”

Check it out at

Discussion (7)¬

  1. Anonymous says:

    What a great site »

  2. smokinQ72 says:

    I'm wonderin' if he'd be so impartial if he was the lawyer shot in the face with bird shot on a Tejas ranch/farm by a the veep under the, no wait, he wasn't drinking anything, RIGHT. Living just outside of Memphis, it is sometimes funny how alarmed the citizens get when a regular citizen does something stupid, but they excuse the Bushies, etal. Sure wish your toons were in our Commercial Appeal, it would however be relagated to the editorial page with Doonesbury, Boondocks, and Mallard Fillmore. Sometimes the locals even protest BC and the Wizard of ID.

  3. Darrin Bell says:

    Thanks, mec, I’ll forward this to the others and see what they think about it. However, we also emphasize the Google charities list, which contains several others. And there are a lot of people who probably wouldn’t give anything unless it was to an organization as well-known as the Red Cross, so I’m not sure how much we’d want to de-emphasize it.

  4. MEC says:

    I visited the Cartoonists Without Borders site, and was disappointed to see that you emphasize donating to the Red Cross. There are better organizations to funnel the money to than the Red Cross. The RC has a habit of deciding to use the money in other ways than intended by the donor; they also provide SHORT-TERM relief, but not the LONG-TERM help that people will need to put their lives back together and rebuild their community. (They also dropped the ball big-time on the Gulf Coast.)

    More useful recipients would be Mercy Corps, ACORN, Habitat for Humanity, or the NAACP Disaster Relief Fund.

  5. Darrin Bell says:

    That’s great news! I just heard the same from my syndicate, so it looks like Candorville’s back in Seattle! I’ll post a separate blog entry about this when I get more details…

  6. Erik says:

    This is off the subject, but I just got an e-mail from the Seattle Times telling me that Candorville’s returning to the comics starting Monday.

    Happiness abounds!