Superman Returns

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I can’t help it, I’m addicted. In a few hours I’m going to see Superman Returns for the third time. I’ll probably see it a couple more times this Summer. Every once in a while a film comes along that makes you feel five years old, and for anyone who was blown away by the Christopher Reeves films as a kid, Superman Returns is it.

From the opening credits that show Moses’s — I mean, baby Superman’s perilous journey to Earth, to the moment Lois Lane spots a familiar blue and red streak flying to her rescue, to the moment at the end when… well, go see it for yourself — this film’s a time machine.

Of course, nothing’s perfect. Here’s something that’s been bugging me ever since I saw it in the theater at the age of 5:

What the hell was that? Never in my comic-book-reading life have I known Superman to have lame cellophane weapons that incapacitate villains for all of two seconds. Like me, you’ll be glad to know that Superman Returns is cellophane-free.

Discussion (8)¬

  1. Anonymous says:

    Where did you find it? Interesting read »

  2. Anonymous says:

    What a great site »

  3. Anonymous says:

    That’s a great story. Waiting for more. » » »

  4. Anonymous says:

    Kerry screws up one joke and the news media makes it story # 1 for the rest of the week. Bush screws up everything he says and regularly gets a pass from the "Liberal news media." Give me a break.

  5. Doug says:

    I attribute the “cellophane S” as something Supes made up in the Fortress, knowing he’d be outnumbered.

    After all, it’s not like he could whip out some Kryptonite and drop it on Zod and the gang.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Hollywood needs new material, but it also needs to present the classics. Movies about Hercules, Romeo & Juliette, etc. are always welcome. Saying Hollywood shouldn’t touch ’em is like saying symphonies should never play Brahms or Mozart, only new stuff. Superman and the other superheroes are our modern day Hercules and Romeo & Juliette. They’re our myths, so I have no problem with Hollywood retelling them every generation.

    What I DO have a problem with is Hollywood coming up with new stuff that itself simply rips off older works, or with Hollywood remaking things that are less than classic, like Miami Vice.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I really don’t care, honestly. Frankly, I’m just so damn sick of these remakes. It doesn’t matter if it’s ‘Superman,’ ‘Batman,’ or even action movies like “The Bourne Identity” or horror films like “The Omen.” Hollywood REALLY needs some new material.

  8. Anonymous says:

    LOL! That always bugged me too. I still don’t understand it.