McCain campaign predicts 15 kerbillion-point convention bump for Obama

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The McCain campaign today circulated a memo predicting a huge post-convention bump in the polls for Barack Obama. “He should get anywhere from an eleventy-thousand to 15-kerbillion point bump” according to Sarah Simms, strategic advisor to the McCain campaign. “Anything less than that would clearly  indicate Obama’s abject failure to connect with the American people. Reporters and commentators on all broadcast networks are expected to accept the McCain campaign’s prediction at face value, and have already scheduled 4 weeks of “Obama didn’t perform as well as expected” coverage between mid-September and early November. When reminded by a reporter that “eleventy” isn’t an actual number, Simms replied “John McCain knows a thing or two about numbers; he had plenty of time to count the days he was locked up in a Vietnamese hell hole with only rats and bark to eat.” 


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