Katie Couric Must be Sexist

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How else to explain these unexpectedly cruel “gotcha” questions?


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  • Does anyone understand the comment about protecting us against the Russians? Does she think that the state of Alaska is in charge of air defense?
    The longer I listen to her talk the more I understand why she was attracted to a religion where they speak in tongues.

  • Who's 'mocking' whom? Maybe she has had trade talks with russia, but they are apparently not a main trading partner. An associated press report cites Japan, Korea, China, Canada and Germany as the top countries receiving Alaskan goods; seafood accounts for 50% of the total products exported. (Amy Westfeldt; AP; run in Oakland Tribune, 9/26/08, pg A11.)

    So why all the saber-rattling and cold war-style fear talk about Russia? I don't like their actions against their neighbors, but talking about it as though we might fight another war?? Incomprehensible!

  • It's especially scary when you consider that they must have anticipated this specific question and practiced her answer. My guess is that they don't know how to handle her and have over-briefed her. McCain's people have probably told her what governor of Alaska does so many times that she can't remember what she actually does. Still, it's a simple question that she should be able to answer.
    I'm very glad I'm not a Republican and don't have to try to feign confidence in her.