Fear Incorporated, part 3

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Some of the questions are annoying, but pay attention to the people. A LOT of fear out there. Some of it’s justified, much of it’s irrational. People like Glenn Beck make their living stoking it with lies & misleading half-truths (see yesterday’s citation).


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  • The joke is that for the 23 years I worked as a teacher, I paid into Medicare. Now, I'm not eligible for it.

  • "How about, 'who is going to pay for all this "free" health care?'"

    Us. Same people who pay for the military, the fire departments and the police departments.

    "Where is the money going to come from?"

    Reasonable question, but the people who ask it usually presuppose there's no answer. There IS. And if they were sincere about wanting to figure out how to pay for it, we could all sit down and figure it out. Of course, they're not serious; because this concern, for them, is trumped by their ideology. An ideology that can be summed up by:

    "How will we learn to take care of ourselves if the government is always doing it for us?"

    Same way we manage to take care of ourselves even though publicly-funded police patrol the streets, publicly-funded firemen save our houses, and a publicly-funded military fights our wars.

  • Cool J:

    Thanks for citing that.

    For the record, the Constitution was written in 1787 and ratified in 1788 (I always thought it was ratified in 1789, but there you go ...). Before that, the United States had "The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union" as its supreme law.

  • it's the history teacher geek in me that made me post it...
    It's more fun to spout off malarky without backing it up than it is to actually do 15 seconds of research... So is the philosophy of Faux News...

  • Love you no matter what color you are; gray is fine! Not everything in life can be black or white, right? Hahaha.