fox news

Jon Stewart on Glenn Beck

I've always thought that if you were to silence Stephen Colbert's studio audience, The Colbert Report would be indistinguishable from…

Dick Fink

The Bonus

Fear Incorporated, part 3

Some of the questions are annoying, but pay attention to the people. A LOT of fear out there. Some of…

Fear Incorporated, part 2

A typical Crazy Glenn Beck fear segment. Their implied argument would be enough to get ME to order a Glenn…

Fox News has a point about Obama?

I went to sleep, and woke up in Bizarro World. I actually agree with Fox News today:  Hillary and Bill…

Plame was covert, but Fox won’t let go of the myth

...Yet Fox News continues to rely on Victoria Toensing, the woman who, as far as I've been able to learn…

Fox’s Obama obsession: If it walks like racism and talks like racism…

I saw something on YouTube the other day (I've posted it below) that I found disturbing. But luckily, I had…