We Don’t Dream Big Anymore

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  • Well, I cried when the last shuttle launch happened, and I cried more when the last shuttle mission ended. It felt like America stopped aspiring.

    It felt like we stopped being fully American, like we lost some essential part of what it means to be us.

  • Yet, it all ends, with the finalization of NASA. Do we cry? Have a funeral? I think something is very needed for us, emotionally, in America and all around the world, so we can stop being in shock from this ending to space exploration. It may seem weird, but I have tears running down my cheeks. I was kind of hoping we could find a planet for the survival of humans after we totally destroy our own earth physically, with bombs, etc.

  • Very appropriate sentiment, but even MORE to old timers like we who are in our 60's. When the first monkey was sent up into space, we all were in awe. Then came the first human. Then, the moon walk. Sputnik was the forerunner for the satellites we now use for cell phones and those weirdo things that TALK to you in your car and tell you how to reach your destination, warning you when there is a detour and which route to take. OMG. Even SCIENCE FICTION could not imagine the technology of today~