Dr. Noodle

About Kelly, part 1

Transcript: So how are things with you and Kelly? (sigh) Fine. What was that? What was what? You sighed. That…

The Difference of Opinion

Transcript: We have a difference of opinion. She thinks I never pay attention, and I think she's full of baloney.…

Lost in Juarez, part 5

Transcript: Another journalist investigating the deaths in Juarez. I bet you fell for the cover story … Huh? The "Drug…

Lost in Juarez, part 4

Transcript: I thought I knew the evil of gangs. Drive-bys, carjackings, garish bandanas … But y'know what? Americans don't know…

Lost in Juarez, part 3

Transcript: How on Earth did you arrange to interview a brutal Mexican drug lord? You should know. You're a shrink.…

Lost in Juarez, part 2

Transcript: "I don't know how you tracked me down, Senor Lemont, but it's true: I am 'El Chacal,' leader of…