My Side, Your Side

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  • DB, good to see you've changed the book Lemont was reading. Personally, I don't get involved with politics because there is no solution to most problems. I let those in the know, in the power, or in the craziness deal with those things.

  • Just throwing my own two cents in, if we'd kicked the Democrats and Republicans out of office and voted in Independents and Libertarians, we wouldn't have had this war or economic mess.

    • Everybody has their own way of blaming someone else for the petty bickering. Whether there are two, three, or more sides is not the issue and playing a shell game with labels does not address the problem.

    • When would we have had to vote them in to prevent all this, and how would that have made a difference?

      • Ideally, it should've been done in November 2000. As for the differences it would make: no war in Iraq, no Patriot Act, no economic crash and no wasteful spending policies.

      • Yes, hindsight is ALWAYS so clear, isn't it? Who can foretell circumstances which would be unexpected and beyond our control?