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  • Thank you, thank you for this comic. It is meaningful on so many levels, and you are exactly right about how depression behaves! So many people would have been there for Robin Williams, and whenever he talked to these people and they said encouraging or understanding things to him, he probably did say thank you and feel it, for a minute. But when the minute passed, he could not keep it in his mind. I know. Last fall I was thinking of suicide, and I had a plan. In December, an unrelated event, I crashed my car on an icy road but I was not hurt. When I got out, I saw that my upside down car was just a few feet from the bridge where I'd planned to end my life. I got a message from God, then, very clearly--He was telling me that it was not my time to go, that I still had things to do here, and to get that crazy bridge plan out of my head because if I was meant to die in that spot of land I'd already be dead!....I wish that God had spoken up to Robin and told him a thing or two. But alas, that did not happen. Thank you for at least helping us understand why.

  • Darrin - I loved the tribute to your grandfather (much belated congrats here) and I love what you're doing now with Robin Willaims. Thank you for expressing what I have been feeling for the last week and a half since Mr. Willliams' death.

  • I've been very touched by the series involving the dream with Robin Williams. The message today on the cartoon was so very true. As someone who has suffered from depression since my teens (and I'm now 66), I know it is difficult for those who have never fallen under that cloud to understand. This cartoon in particular almost brought tears to my eyes. Robin Williams' death has deeply affected me. And I know it has impacted many other people as well. I hope your cartoon will help enhance understanding about depression--but that will be a long road for this society which still stigmatizes it. I guess we can only hope.

  • I really enjoyed this week's series about Robin Williams'death. Thank you for the lovely tribute.