Comparing Trump To Fascist Dictators

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Candorville’s Top Ten Reasons why Comparing Trump to Fascist dictators is valid.

10. Germans saw Hitler as a joke too.

9. Trump, Mussolini… scowl even while smiling.

8. Trump’s supporters have started beating and kicking protesters at his rallies. Hitler’s Brownshirts and Mussolini’s Blackshirts began that way before morphing into paramilitary organizations.

7. Fascists were xenophobic demagogues who spread misinformation and paranoia about foreigners. Trump has done the same about Mexicans and Arab-Americans, claiming most Mexican undocumented immigrants are murderers and rapists, and that he saw thousands of Arab-Americans dancing in the streets as the World Trade Center towers collapsed.

6. Fascist dictators were megalomaniacs.

5. Trump’s ex-wife Ivana claimed he kept a volume of Hitler’s collected speeches in a cabinet by his bed. AND he won’t rule out forcing all Muslims in America to register in a database.

4. Trump, Mussolini… no neck.

3. As Salon pointed out, “Trump has now provided more “specifics” about his immigration plan: a forced population transfer greater than any attempted in history, greater than the French and Spanish expulsions of the Jews in 1308 and 1492; greater than the Nabka of approximately 700,000 Palestinian Arabs from British-mandate Palestine; greater than the 1.5 million Stalin consigned to Siberia and the Central Asian republics; greater than Pol Pot’s exile of 2.5 million city-dwellers to the Cambodian countryside, or the scattering of Turkey’s Assyrian Christians, which the scholar Mordechai Zaken says numbers in the millions and required 180 years to complete.  Trump has promised to move 12 million Mexicans in under two years––’so fast your head will spin.'”

2. Fascist dictators stirred up a mob mentality and then claimed they were only giving the mob what the mob wanted.

1. Trump, Mussolini… point their chins at people.
