The Canadian Kid Checks On A Fallen Lemont

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  • This series reminds me of when I was in college.

    I was walking across campus with a girl I was dating. I made the mistake of obviously checking out 2 other girls. The next thing I knew I was flat on my back. While I was distracted, she had walked me into the side of a dumpster.

    When my eyes stopped crossing, she was standing over me. She leaned over and told me, "That should teach you not to check out other women when you're with me."

      • I don't know how much of it was her real personality or the effects of her heavy recreational drug use.

        She once told me she spent 36 hours backed into the corner of her dorm room holding a knife after seeing the movie, "Halloween," on LSD. She also tried to teach me how to make sure to get all the strychnine off the peyote buttons before you chew them. It turns out peyote buttons don't contain strychnine but I didn't know any better.

        As interesting and entertaining as she was, she definitely wasn't LTR material.