

Transcript: Dear Lemont Brown, We at Save-Them-Childrens often ask celebrities to participate in fundraising ads. You are a well-known blogger…

The College Reunion, part 5

Transcript: I said "So I think I'll go to my online-college reunion." Further back. "Maybe they'll switch my doctorate for…

The College Reunion, part 4

Transcript: You going to your college reunion? Tsk. I don't know Big L. Ahem. Why not? Sigh. 'Cause everyone else…

The College Reunion, part 3

Transcript: My ten-year college reunion comin' up next week, Big L. But you only went to a two-week online doctorate…

The College Reunion, part 2

Transcript: There's some weird stuff on my Feudalbanc Massacard bill, Clyde. Nah … really? "Tonga Island Online University Bamboo Degree…

The College Reunion, part 1

Transcript: I think everybody should learn at least one new thing every day, Clyde. For instance, by lunchtime, I learned…

Doctor Dog, part 3

Doctor Dog, part 2

Doctor Dog, part 1