fox news

Fox News: Oh no, Obama (gasp) SMOKES!

A few questions to keep in mind while watching the latest salvo in the Faux News bombardment of Senator Obama:1.…

Fox News: Barack Obama, Sex Offender?

Faux News affiliates sure are subtle, aren't they?Don't think subliminal crap like this works? Take a look at how well…

Washington Times disavows Insight over Obama story

Like alcoholic parents trying to disavow their crack-whore son, the Washington Times is attempting to distance itself from the bogus…

Lib’ral Media Covers Up for Obama

Nice try, Chicago Sun-Times:Barack Obama's week-old presidential campaign has been hit with a smear. Hillary Clinton's White House bid, launched…

Has Sean Hannity Gone Crazy?

OK, let me get this straight: If you criticize Sean Hannity and call for the impeachment of George W. Bush,…

Clinton on Faux: How could Roger Ailes be so confused?

There's been so much whine coming from the direction of the "Fair & Balanced" network that you'd think they were…

Clinton Unloads on Faux News

As anyone who's seen a brilliant trailer and then gone to find out that the movie was total crap knows,…

Fox News finally notices the Diebold voting machine scandal

Now that the Democratic Party seems poised to retake the House, Fox News gets concerned about the voting machines. Where…