
It’s “Democratic Party,” not “Democrat Party.”

Chris Matthews has been increasingly willing to call Republican politicians out on their childish attempt to rename the opposition party.…

“B” is for “Moron”

Never before have I been so pissed about my website being down. Yesterday, when I made my usual rounds of…

Katie Couric Must be Sexist

How else to explain these unexpectedly cruel "gotcha" questions?

Sarah Palin Bush Cheney Rove’s speech last night

The talking heads on my tv are telling me Sarah Palin was very funny last night, and I have to…

Time out, there’s a hurricane in my eyes.

I remember when we were kids, and we were losing a game of four square, the sun would conveniently be…

This now officially the weirdest election I can remember

See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die I think Paris Hilton just solved the energy crisis. I will…

McCain is Wile E. Coyote

"I believe that either today or tomorrow -- and I'm not privy to his schedule -- Sen. Obama will be landing in…

The Republicans Love Their Countup Clocks

You know you haven't got much to say about your opposition when you resort to condemning their logistics. First Fox…

Surprisingly, Bush Lied about the Golf Thing

As previously mentioned, GW Bush claimed to have experienced an epiphany after a horrible bombing in Iraq. No more would the…

Why Bush should be Impeached

I still have no idea why Barack Obama believes the current administration's violations of our Constitutional rights do not constitute…