Posts Tagged ‘serenity break’

Serenity Break

Deadlines are kicking my @$$!!! Time for a serenity break:

Daniel and Me

My nephew is always up for a photo op.

Serenity Break: Berkeley

Biking at my favorite spot in Berkeley. Wish I’d biked more through the hills and forests and waterfronts up here before moving to LA. But then, LA has some of the best asphalt in the country.

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Serenity Break 2: Berkeley

Biking at my favorite spot in Berkeley again, wearing shorts, in 50 degree weather. Figured this was the best way to force myself to appreciate the inferno that awaits me in Los Angeles.

Driving back to LA today, if anyone wants a signed copy of Katrina’s Ghost, forget to use your turn signals and drive way too slowly in the fast lane on the Five freeway. I’ll toss the book to you through any open window, as hard as I can.

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