
Katie Couric Must be Sexist

How else to explain these unexpectedly cruel "gotcha" questions?

Thanks for clearing that up

This has been going around the internets for a day or two. Anyone know who wrote it?: Just to clear…

Can pedophiles even vote? (or “John McCain’s latest ad”)

John McCain is crazy like a fox. A real maverick. He’s like a fighter pilot, zig zagging all around to…

Candorville: 9/9/08- Spare Change, part 2

TRANSCRIPT: Heh. Obama picked Joe Biden for VP 'cause Biden could DESTROY any debate opponent. But McCain picked a woman!…

Sarah Palin Bush Cheney Rove’s speech last night

The talking heads on my tv are telling me Sarah Palin was very funny last night, and I have to…

Time out, there’s a hurricane in my eyes.

I remember when we were kids, and we were losing a game of four square, the sun would conveniently be…

What I learned about Michelle Obama from Larry King

Thank God for the Larry King show on CNN. Tonight he had four guests assess the first night of the…

McCain campaign predicts 15 kerbillion-point convention bump for Obama

The McCain campaign today circulated a memo predicting a huge post-convention bump in the polls for Barack Obama. "He should get anywhere…

Candorville: 8/10/08- Gall-Mart, part 6

From the Murdoch Street Journal (formerly known as the Wall Street Journal): "Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is mobilizing its store managers…