Cool and Useless

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People I love forward me a lot of crap I don’t need to read — e-mails like one I received last week that told me how much the world loved me, and that if I didn’t forward the message to 20 of my closest friends, I would suffer a horrible fate.

Every once in a while, though, I get something that’s as cool as it is useless, like today:

On Wednesday of this week, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06! That won’t ever happen again… ever. You may now return to your “normal?) life.

EDIT: A reader just pointed out that this happens every 100 years. Dang. Well, for most of us that means it’ll only happen once in our lifetime, and this is it. Still cool, just not as cool.

Discussion (10)¬

  1. Been looking at doing SEO and bettering the web design on my website for a long time, so this post has been really useful. Clear read as well, so thanks!

  2. Interesting. Been trying to learn a new language for a while so this is highly relevant! Thank you.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Excellent, love it! »

  4. Darrin Bell says:


  5. Anonymous says:

    You needn’t wait a hundred years for the next one: it’ll happen again on 4th May (think Europe 🙂

    (Yes, I’m a nerd)

    (And you do a great comic strip (as tho you didn’t know that))

  6. Darrin Bell says:


  7. Anonymous says:

    This is my first time on your site…but I do have to tell you how much I really enjoy your strip. But the one about AT&T, SBC & Bellsouth is hilarious (4/3/06). Especially since I am an SBC…uh no… AT&T employee.

  8. Darrin Bell says:

    No! Hmm… Maybe. I guess.

    Damn, I guess I never get any interesting forwards. This bites.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Doesn’t it happen every hundred years? 🙂