Science:3, Intelligent Design: 0

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First a court in Dover, PA rejects the religious indoctrination of students (on the taxpayer dime), then a school board that approved the teaching of ID gets their asses handed to them in an election. And now scientists believe they’ve found the most important Missing Link – the fish that learned to walk on land.

It hasn’t been a very good year for those who still believe the Earth is only 6000 years old.

Discussion (2)¬

  1. kitakaze says:

    I don’t think some people will ever see the light. I’ve argued over and over again with creationists who support teaching intelligent design and it just doesn’t work. I was surprised to see a lot of these people in college.

    That fish was bad ass though….

    I also just wanted to say how important Candorville is to me. Reading it is a reason to get up at 5:30am to go to work. Thanks for the great strip!