Serenity Break: Berkeley

Biking at my favorite spot in Berkeley. Wish I’d biked more through the hills and forests and waterfronts up here before moving to LA. But then, LA has some of the best asphalt in the country.

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“Katrina” Excuses

The newest Candorville collection: “Katrina’s Ghost,” has more than twice as many comics (nearly 700) as the last book. To order:

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

E-BOOK: $9.95
Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

OR… get it autographed, with an original sketch on the title page:

(s&h included)

You can also complete your collection by getting the first two Candorville books

Nothing to see here, move along…

This is a job for the Delusional Black Man’s Guide to Interpreting the Behavior of Others:

Barack Obama’s Cousin

My friend Cherise Boothe pointed me to this. If you’re in Seattle, go see Cherise star in Ruined (one of Time Magazine’s top ten plays of 2009) at the Intiman Theatre. Tell her Darrin sent you.

Five Years Till the Future

A good friend just reminded me that today, 7/6/10, is only five years before the day Marty McFly came to in the future, in “Back to the Future 2.” You people have FIVE YEARS to give me my flying car, my self-tying shoes and my hoverboard, or there’s gonna be trouble. Get to work!